

I cannot remember the first time I met Cassie. The first memories that I draw right now are at her first year graduation from NSTM, which was my brother Caleb's four-year graduation. I think that must have been the first time I had seen her. However, that meeting was less significant than an earlier event and a later event. The earlier event that I am speaking of is hearing testimony of her through Benjamin. He talked of her often, and I learned certain things of her. The thing that stood out was that she was mature for her age. Now I had always seen Benjamin as one who was mature for his age, and wondered what kind of humble, stoic person this "Cassie" could be. Of course my young mind pictured maturity in this way, and it took me for a loop when I did finally meet this girl. It was not until about two years later that I got to know Cassie a lot more, which was when I stayed with the Anganes family for a month or two of weekends while I was in a choir with her. I then saw, through her, that maturity is not so much behavioral. It involves deep awareness of the world around you, and the people in it. Cassie was not ignorant of who she was, who we were, where she was in this world, and what she had to do. Now I know her much more, and appreciate her greatly. She given me my needed advise, undeserved praise, and simple friendship. I don't think that she and I have nearly as much in common as some of my other friends, but that doesn't bother her or affect much of how she interacts with me. She's a great sister in Christ, and I just love her for it!

So I did something for her on the guitar. It's all for you, Cass; hope you like it!