
About Guys

Not that I enjoy talking about guys: but I am one... so therefore, I am a good source of knowledge for what goes on in a guy's mind. I'm sure someone somewhere may be thinking about this; especially after the 14th when many girls will be looking at some cheap gift that some guy gave them and be asking "What in the name of cheesecake was he thinking?!?". However, since I am not an expert as to how guys should relate to girls, or what they should give them for Valentine's day (ask my brother for that information) I will avoid speaking of girls as much as I can and talk mostly about us... MEN.

What I've been pondering in my own questionings about what goes on in my mind and why do I act the way I do has to do with my allegiances or loves. Why is it that I my truck, though it has constantly failed me and continues to do so, remains special in a way to me that I forgive it and banish thoughts of me someday parting with it? Why is it that I always want to stay where I am, and not go? How is it that I can love school so much, though most of my words concerning it are negative? I can't give you an answer dogmatically, but I can give you one of my guesses (or "theories" if you will).

To approach this philosophically, men (not saying that all men are like this) like truth. What I mean by this is that men like things to happen consistently as they should. You may be saying now "Well, that doesn't make sense.... if he like things acting as they should, he would have drove that truck in the river the moment he got it, if it could have run at the time!" I will explain. Though men like things to go as they should, he is aware of the world and the fact that things don't often go that way. Because he is in the world, he has to find a way to cope. Therefore he puts his trust in himself. However, to say that men act consistently as they should may be a dangerous statement as well. Yet the trust is a moment by moment trust, that is: "I think (hopefully), then act accordingly, all is well." Why then does his affections dwell on such things as trucks, locations, etc? It goes back to the dilemma of coping. Based on what has been said, men should be in a constant search for that which is as truthful as possible, but men are usually too practical for that. He realizes that the search is futile and must remain where he is. Thus his affections must remain nearby. He learns to love certain things without much regard as to the wrongs that they commit to him. Thus, he learns to love such things as his truck or home though they may not deserve it. (note: my meaning of "love" intended is that of a chosen preference of something, though it includes some emotional ties). A good example of this type of thing is found in a movie that I personally enjoy. It is called "Skylark". It is the sequel to the movie "Sarah, Plain and Tall" which is about Jacob and Sarah, now married, are living in their farm out west, while a drought comes. Many people around are forced to leave to area to find someplace with water. Jacob refuses to leave. It eventually becomes so bad that they can't stay, but he still doesn't want to. He forces Sarah and his two children to go back to her home in the east until the drought is over. The movie is around a man's dilemma when that which he loves is cursing him (that is, the land), but it not only hurts him, but another one that he loves (that is, his wife and children). It does have a good ending though that shows his growth through it all, but I won't give it away to those who have not seen it.

So that is my incite. I don't know if it will help explain away any Valentine gifts you girls may have received, but I hope it helps in some way.