My "Moxie" Dog
So Corky doesn't exaclty have what you would call "Moxie". Her idea of taking on an enemy is barking at her hotdog because it's steaming at her. However, she has been striving to change her reputation lately because of her new companion, Buddy. For those of you who do not know much of Buddy, you can see a picture of him with Benjamin, his owner, on the Journals of the Wanderer. Anyway, she knows, as do I and most in my family, that the best way to prove that your "Moxie" is to simply drink Moxie.

Moxie, of course is a carbonated drink that vaguely resembles a cola, yet its unique bitter flavor put it in a league of its own. (For more information on Moxie, go here) So it was that as I was home and finishing up the last bit of Moxie in the groovy orange aluminum can, that Corky the quirky Cocker asks me for a taste or two. Finding her water dish empty, I pour the remaining contents in, to which she consumes proudly in front of Buddy. Buddy, on the other hand, would not go near the stuff. Corkey had won, and doing so, she did not ask for any more.
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