

Next year I will be getting a new sister, and another Grace at that! My little brother Micah and Grace'm (a rather lame nickname I've used to distiguish my sister, Grace Elizabeth, from my future sister-in-law, Grace Marie) are engaged, and she was with us on our vacation. Grace'm is a wonderful girl, yet pretty much different from any girl I've met. It's hard to describe, but she is very "Moxie" but remains very feminine. I'm sure that's not the best way to put it, but it's better than she could say with a straight face. Of course, she can't keep a straight face.... ever. And I think that's funny.
So on Saturday Micah, Grace'm, and Grace went skydiving for their "Senior Trip", so to speak. And this is the kind of people that they all are. To me, paying to jump out of a plane with a guy strapped to my back for no practical purpose doesn't appeal to me. I'm sure it's a rush, but I'll find a rollercoaster and be happy with my seatbuckle around me. But extreme sports are made for people like Micah and Grace'm with an occasional Grace alongside. It was to Micah and Grace'm that I gave mini snowboards to, when I gave matchbox cars as gifts to all my other classmates. It was Micah and Grace'm that were doing backwards dives and backflips with 180 degree twists off the diving rock at the pool. Even the first time that Micah drove Grace'm around was on his motorcycle.
To put it shortly, I think they are going to be a great couple. They will the people to go to when we need to have a little fun. Not to minimize the fact that they are both people who I greatly respect. Both of them are mature beyond their years in how they look at life, friends, relationships, hard situations, and controversial issues. They don't have all the answers, but they understand that, and are not afraid to ask for advice when it is needed. I love you both!