Micah, Dad, and a Bike gone bad
These events occured before my flight. However, since I did not hear of them till after I arrived in Texas, and since I wanted to start this series with me (haahaa), I am posting it with a retrospect view of a retrospect view.
My dad, Micah, and Benjamin had been planning months ago to drive their bikes down to Texas for Grace's graduation. When they were first planning, neither Benjamin nor Micah had their motorcycle licenses, and only Benjamin had a motorcycle. As circumstances (or providence) would have it, only Micah rode down on his own bike with my dad. Micah told me that they were planning on leaving a couple days before the rest of the group would head out in a car. To my knowledge, this happened as planned. I don't recall hearing any important events between Maine and Memphis, Tennessee. Dad described going through a lot of traffic, and after emerging from the bulk of it in one section, he did not see Micah in his mirrors. Finding a place to exit, he got a call from Micah, who said that he was in the median of the highway with a broken chain. Turning around, and getting back to him, Dad discovered that the chain hadn't broken, but rather had fallen off. However, it was still irreperable, and Dad set off to buy a new one. A good deal of time and seventy-five dollars later, Dad returned with the chain. With the help of another friendly biker, they got the bike back together. Friendly Biker and Dad, seeing the traffic open for a ways, merged right back onto the highway. Micah followed. Again, as Dad looked into his mirror, Micah was not seen. Having not gotten too far, Dad turned around and drove back to find Micah's bike dumped in the middle of the road, holding up both lanes of traffic. "It won't move" Micah said, and Dad felt bad... assuming that the chain had seized up or something of the sort. The truth was that when Micah pulled out into the lane, following Friendly Biker and Dad, that a car was coming up on him faster than he expected. Being in the left lane, Micah proceeded to merge right. The speeding car did the same, and rear-ended him as they both were changing lanes. To add color and drama to the story, I'll say that the one who hit him was an off-duty police officer. Micah was fine with minor scrapes and scratches. In fact he got a road rash wound on his right elbo that looks almost just like mine! As they waited for an on-duty officer to come, and for other stuff that takes a long time during accidents, Dad was talking with someone (it was either a truck driver or Friendly Biker, I don't remember) and made the comment "Two bikers from Maine.... Tennessee cop.... Who's fault do you think this accident is?" And it was pretty much true, for Micah was given a ticket for not yielding. So getting the bike in somewhat running order, they were escorted by the on-duty police officer to the nearest exit where Dad and Micah considered their options. One was to fix the bike enough to make the rest of the trip. Two was to transport the bike back to Maine somehow and fix it there. Three was to get rid of it right where they were. The first two options were just too impractical and expensive to worry about. Conveniently they saw very nearby a pawn shop. So they decided to give it a try and sell it to them. They walked in, and I'll add a bit more fun to the story by saying that the person who attended them was a big black woman named "Chiquita." Sadly, she said that they could take it because it was considered machinery, which they could not buy and sell, I guess. Dad told her that all they wanted to do was get rid of it. To this she said that her husband would love a motorcycle, so Micah wrote her a bill of sale, and sold the bike for $0 even, the exact amount he paid for it in the first place. From there they continued on to Texas, uncomfortably at that for they had to where a lot of their luggage now including their leather jackets in 90 degree heat. So Grace decided that she didn't have much to do, so she would drive out to meet them. Benjamin and the rest of the gang were already on the road, and were in fact catching up with them. So somewhere in Arkansas, they all met up pretty much the same time, and finished their journey in a boring and uneventful manner.
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