Political debate is something that I don't get into often, I would say. Neither do I prefer to join in with heated religious discussions either, though I enjoy a deep Theological or Doctrinal discussion. However, a thought and debate has entered my mind which is political and religious. I decided to take a stab at it.
A common area of ridicule from the lost world toward Christianity is concerning its violence. A look at the history of the one's who claim Jesus as their leader shows a people who have killed, tortured, and made war; despite their claims of "God is love" and "Love your enemies." Even today there are accounts of Christians who lash out in violence against those who are "Pro-Choice", "Anti-Creationism", or such like. It is this type of thing that makes many in the world ridicule the Christian religion for its hypocrisy.
Perhaps rightly. When I hear of such accounts I too feel the same way. Yet there is something that is not considered too often in such an accusation. Compare the incentives for violence between that in the name of religion and the majority of others. What is driving such individuals to such violence? For the Christian, it is something close to his heart that has been attacked. A deep belief and love has been challenged, or ridiculed, or wounded. He has reacted in a wrongful, but very human way: retaliation. As for other types of violence, some may be born from some similar, though often less noble reasons. But most of the incentives, one would consider very weak for such a great effect that it leaves behind. To mention a few: money, lust, drunkenness, and even immature mischief. I consider these things ill reason for the violence they too often produce.
Consider this example. Think of someone you love. It may be your mother or father, brother or sister, friend, lover, or child. This person means the world to you. There is someone who does not like him or her. This someone lives in such a way to demonstrate his dislike of the one you love. He gives little or no reason as to why he can't stand them, but is not shy in letting you know that he is against that one. Perhaps he even takes opportunity to ridicule this person with embarrassing words that are grossly untrue. And now he is standing in your presence, and you have the means to show him what you are thinking of him. I'm not saying it's right to lash back and act in vengeance because it is not in your hands to be doing that, but what I'm saying is that sometimes it is for a cause that is greater than most.